Model 24 and Model 16 as mixers for "George Yanagi Memorial Live" live stream

November 25, 2021

Paradise Cafe 20th Anniversary Special Show
~George Yanagi Memorial Live~ 10 Years Since That Day

About Paradise Cafe

Paradise Cafe is a live music restaurant and bar located in Bashamichi, Yokohama, and celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2021. This event was titled "Paradise Cafe 20th Anniversary Special Show - George Yanagi Memorial Live - 10 Years Since That Day," and was held on the 10th anniversary of the passing of George Yanagi, with a special band including Tomoharu Taki, singer/owner of Paradise Cafe, and Kiyoto Ishii and Mickey Yamamoto, who were active in "George Yanagi & Rainy Wood" band.

TASCAM spoke with Tomoharu Taki and Tatsuhiko Fuyuno, who were in charge of mixing and engineering the live stream.

Products used:
Model 16 - 16-track live recording mixer
Model 24 - 24-track live recording mixer


Q. First thing we noticed once the music started was the nice sound quality at Paradise Cafe. Not only the sound of veteran musicians but also that of well-balanced blues was pleasantly resonating throughout the narrow restaurant space. Do you have any tips that you applied to improve the sound?

Taki: In the 20 years that Paradise Cafe has been in operation, we have installed the best sound equipment while listening to the opinions of professionals. When we first opened, I also designed the PA and aimed to create an environment where musicians and singers could perform most comfortably. I sometimes tuned the PA all night long with a microphone in my hand. When the musicians sounded comfortable, the stage was completely transformed. Through trial and error and with advice from fellow sound engineers, we have come to the point where we are now.

Q. Please tell us about how Paradise Cafe started doing live streams.

Taki: Due to the many changes in the entertainment environment caused by Covid-19, Paradise Cafe also began live-streaming concerts in 2020. We have streamed more than 100 concerts so far, and while there were times when we were able to deliver good sound, there were also times when we inconvenienced performers and viewers with technical issues such as out-of-frame videos or frozen images, as well as out-of-sync audio. We are trying to prepare an environment for artists who want to deliver good sound and images by gathering equipment that can ensure a minimum level of quality. For this live stream, we consulted with Mr. Fuyuno of Orizzonte Studio and decided to install TASCAM's Model Series as the mixer for the streaming.

2-mix audio is output from the Model series to OBS via the mixer’s audio interface function

Q. What are some of the key points of this live stream?

Fuyuno: The Model 24 and Model 16 were used in parallel with the hall sound system of Paradise Cafe to create a mix for live distribution. Additional microphones were set up for the drum toms, floor toms, and timbales exclusively for live streaming, and they were wired in parallel to the venue mixer and Model using an IN/OUT multi-box. The Model 16 made a 2-mix of seven drum sounds, which were sent into the stereo channel of the Model 24. Other instruments, vocals, and chorus mics were sent on Model 24 channels 1 through 11.

Q. What are your impressions of the Model 16 and Model 24?

Fuyuno: The live performance was great first of all. We were able to create a pretty good sound for the live stream. The TASCAM Ultra HDDA mic preamps in the Model Series sounded straightforward, and since the head amp is built in you get a solid output sound. And with multi-track recording to the unit's SD card, I think this is a great value for the money.

Taki: A staff member who was watching the live feed contacted us and said, "This feed was the highest quality we have ever had", which is a pretty amazing thing as this says it all for us.

Q. The Model Series has specifications that combine the operability of an analog mixer with digital recording. How did it go working with that while doing the live stream?

Fuyuno: When doing live streams, the operability of an analog mixer is very easy to understand, so I think it makes it suitable for a small/mid-live music club. Digital mixers are useful for the freedom of routing, but they can also cause problems, such as difficulty in understanding where the input and output signals are going.

Q. Did you have any issues using the Model Series?

Fuyuno: At first, I felt uncomfortable with the feel of the one-knob compressor installed in the unit. I felt that the amount of compressor effect and make-up gain when the knob was turned did not match the actual feel of the compressor. However, as I used it more and more, I found that there was a point where I could get into it.

Q. Live streaming is a service still in the process of development, and problems can occur. The TASCAM Model Series can do both mix and record, and multi-track recording can be done to record a backup simultaneously to the streaming. It is also possible to remix and archive the backup recording if anything happens during the stream

Fuyuno: In my experience, trouble can occur even with good equipment. To eliminate problems, a lot of preparation is necessary before streaming, but it is nice to be able to record with a backup.

Q. Paradise Cafe introduced live streaming after restrictions were placed on live concerts due to Covid-19. Do you still plan to focus on live distribution after the restrictions are lifted?

Taki: We intend to continue live streams, but I think the number of live streams done in other places will decrease in the future. However, I believe that good-quality live streams will persevere. We believe that the environment will become more diverse, including musicians who only will want to do streams. Paradise Cafe plans to upgrade the steaming and sound equipment in the future for musicians who want to do live streams with good sound and video. We look forward to working with TASCAM again by then.

Tomoharu Taki (left) and Tatsuhiko Fuyuno (right)



Tomoharu Taki

Born in Nakatsu City, Oita Prefecture. Taki made his debut in 1978.
In 1980, Taki performed a duet with Takao Horiuchi for the Suntory Beer commercial song "Nankai Kisen".
In 2001, he opened the live music restaurant bar "Paradise Cafe" in Bashamichi, Yokohama.
In 2018, a 40th anniversary concert at Kannai Hall in Yokohama City.
Since 2018, he has been a regular performer on the "Yokohama no Yoru wa Sleepless" radio program on FM Yokohama.
Currently, Taki also does a web live stream called "Tomoharu Taki's SHAKE!"

Tomoharu Taki Official Web Site
Paradise Cafe Web site


Tatsuhiko Fuyuno

Born in Kanagawa Prefecture.
Fuyuno joined Avex Inc. in 1982 and worked as a recording engineer, arranger, and master record director.
He became the studio section chief in 1999.
In 2003, he left Avex to start his own company called Orizzonte Records.
Fuyuno has produced many projects from major records to indie records since 2009.

Orizzonte Records Web site


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