TASCAM DR-10L Micro Recorders are Ideal for Sports Physical Therapist Dr. Aaron Horschig

St. Louis, MO May 18, 2022

Excellent audio performance and small form factor make all the difference

May 2022... When it comes to physical conditioning, those people looking to improve their technique, decrease pain, and increase their strength can benefit dramatically from Dr. Aaron Horschig's Squat University (https://squatuniversity.com/). Dr. Horschig is a sports physical therapist, Olympic weightlifting coach, strength and conditioning specialist, and author of the bestselling books Rebuilding Milo and The Squat Bible. As the founder of SquatUniversity.com, Dr. Horschig shares his innovative approach to help millions of athletes and coaches across the world move better, decrease their aches and pains, and reach their true athletic potential. And essential to the production of his training videos is the DR-10L micro linear PCM recorder from TASCAM.

Dr. Horschig uses a pair of TASCAM DR-10L micro recorders for the creation of his numerous training and conditioning YouTube videos, which can be found at https://www.instagram.com/squat_university/?hl=en. As anyone with an interest in exercise or sports training can appreciate, the ability to move freely is essential. This is precisely why the TASCAM DR-10L is such a compelling choice for the creation of Dr. Horschig's videos. He discussed his experience using the DR-10L recorders for his work.

"I've been using the two DR-10L recorders for the past two years," Dr. Horschig reports. "For starters, audio quality is excellent. Without this, overall video production suffers and hinders your ability to reach and hold people's attention. While there are numerous high-quality recorders on the market, finding one with the compact form factor, robust build quality, and audio performance of the DR-10L is an entirely different matter. My content requires me to move in and out of many positions during the exercise demonstrations I'm performing. The DR-10L's small form factor allows me to move freely without any restrictions."

With the ability to fit easily into one's hand and a weight of just a mere 51 grams, the TASCAM DR-10L offers a rich feature set that includes being powered by a AAA alkaline battery that runs approximately 10 hours and provides all-day-long performance. The DR-10L includes a lavalier microphone and facilitates the capture of high-quality 16/24-bit audio at either 44.1kHz or48kHz onto either a microSD card or microSDHC card, which makes for easy transfer to a DAW. These attributes make the DR-10L a formidable contender for anyone in search of a potent, miniature recorder.

"For my type of production work, the DR-10L is hard to beat," Dr. Horschig reports. "With its minimal size, easy-to-use features, and excellent sound quality, the DR-10L has become central to my work."

In the area of audio electronics, quality customer service and support are crucial. While he finds the operation of the DR-10L intuitive and, as such, has not required technical support, Dr. Horschig was, nonetheless, very complimentary of TASCAM's customer support services. "During my conversation with TASCAM about finding a solution to my production requirements, it became clear that the TASCAM staff not only understands the operation of their products, but also the applications for which they can be used. They were very helpful and recommended the ideal solution to my production challenges."

Before shifting his attention back to the business of the day, Dr. Horschig offered these parting comments, "Sound quality is imperative for creating quality content on any platform—especially YouTube. The DR-10L recorders from TASCAM are easy to use, small in size, and deliver excellent quality. I highly recommend them."

To view an example of Dr. Horschig's work, visit the following URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpU2K265pqs&t=68s.

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