TASCAM Model 24 used at the Inter BEE 2018 opening ceremony and keynote speeches

February 6, 2019

Japan's largest international broadcast equipment exhibition, Inter BEE 2018, was held at Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture from November 14-16, 2018. Many companies and organizations attended this event while presenting new equipment and technologies while hosting various demonstrations and seminars.

The TASCAM Model 24 was used as part of the main PA system at Convention Hall A on the 2nd floor of the International Conference Hall where the opening ceremony and the largest keynote speeches of Inter BEE 2018 were held every day.

Model 24 setup

The scene at the interview

TASCAM was able to speak with Mr. Kitada (RIME Corporation), the sound engineer in charge of operating the PA system at the venue, and ask about his impressions of the event:

"The Model 24 was used primarily as a sub-console to coordinate background music and sound effects in the venue”, starts Kitada, “two TASCAM CD-450 CD players were input to the stereo channel of the Model 24. The audio was played on a PC and inputted to the stereo channel via an audio interface."

"I was very interested in the Model 24's audio interface capabilities and wanted to use it as an interface," continues Kitada, "but having assembled a backup PC at the same time, I simply used it as a mixer in this case. As mentioned before, we used it as a mixer for background music and background/sound effects playback, and the 100 mm faders were very easy to use. With a 60mm fader, the sound would sometimes end before it's fading out, but with a 100mm fader, a more natural fade-out can be delivered stress free."

"For this particular use, Model 24 was simple but had a nice analog feel to it, and it was easy to use", adds Kitada at the end of the report.

2 units of TASCAM CD-450 CD player in use

The Model 24 was highly praised for its ease of operation with the 100mm faders; a major feature of analog mixers.

Interview cooperation: sound design. Inc.

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