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TASCAM Talkback
From a leader in products for every segment of the sound and music industry comes a podcast for podcasters and streamers. Eagerly immersing itself in this booming audio/streaming/voice realm, TASCAM is delivering this show every other week to speak to beginner, intermediate, and advanced broadcasters. Content will include in-depth How To, News, Tips, Tricks, and spotlights on new Hardware and Software. We'll also be speaking with Podcasters, gamers, content producers and hardware designers - the very people who make podcasting happen.
TASCAM Talkback can also be heard via iTunes, Stitcher Radio, and TuneIn Radio.
Join the conversation! email us at with comments, questions or topics for upcoming shows.
Being the only person on-air on your podcast versus having co-hosts, and, whether to do interviews or not. These are all crucial considerations for the format of your podcast, but, what are the pros and cons of each approach? This episode explores the pluses and minuses for why you might – or might not – consider one or the other. There’s even advice for someone considering changing their format. Plus, we make a big announcement about something new that we’ve launched for podcasters!
How serious are you about the quality of your sound? How do you want to come across to your listeners? How do you want your voice to sound? An all-in-one solution doesn't work as well as components, so listen to this episode and learn the differences between dynamic and condenser or between cardioid and omni-directional. You'll come away knowing about different types of microphones - how they work, why they work, and what they're for. Are you ready to step up from recording into your phone or through your computer microphone? This episode is for you too! (You'll even hear about what sound is and how it works.)
As a complement to Episode 17, which dealt with vocal health, on this installment of TASCAM Talkback the host is joined by vocal expert Tracy Goodwin from Captivate The Room in addressing questions such as, Do you know how to use your voice? How do you want the listener to feel? For those podcasters who do interviews, what happens when you have a guest whose energy level sounds very unenthusiastic and uninspiring for the listeners? Did you know that we process everything in the voice on a subconscious level? Hear how this relates to podcasting. Hear also what not being in the now does to our voices. You'll also learn why, "Words are everything, and they are nothing." The discussion also addresses the debate of whether to script or not to script.
While we talked about how to promote your podcast (in general) on an earlier episode, this time around the conversation centers specifically on steps that you can take to promote an episode before it ever even gets released. Listen in as the host of The Danielle Daily shares seven angles you can leverage to gain attention and thus help overcome the challenge that podcasters face – especially those whose show isn’t daily – of what to post about on social media.
How do podcasters keep finding things to talk about? Always having a topic for each show is critical to keeping a show going. The more often your podcast comes out, the more challenging it is to think of subject matter to present. On this episode, Mark Asquith, who has done over 500 podcast episodes, gives strategies and even covers "have I talked about this before?" and "what if someone else has already done a podcast on that topic?" Listen for tips on how to get ideas for something to cover from episode to episode of your show.
As a follow-up to a couple prior episodes aimed at those who record their podcast at home, we delve this time into a creative setup solution, thanks to a listener who wrote in with something anyone can take advantage of -- podcaster, YouTuber, or any other creator. If you are unhappy with and battle against your current setup, listen as Craig Richard describes what he came up with to eliminate bumps and other obstacles that were impacting the recording of his podcasts. We also refer you to a website that he established simply to help (not sell to) other podcasters and creators for informational purposes. This episode just might challenge you to reevaluate the layout and positioning of your podcasting gear!
While streamers (especially YouTubers) will benefit from this episode too, since there is talk of using the following in videos too, setting the emotion, the tone, what you want your listeners to feel – before you even speak your first word – can be accomplished by having the right music playing to intro your podcast. Listen to not only a conversation with Ryan Allen from, who discusses the logistics and legalities and other considerations around royalty-free tracks, but, samples that are played in the latter portion of this episode, demonstrating the impact and effectiveness (or lack thereof) with just the right (or wrong) music to start your show.
Some podcasters say that audio quality isn’t super important, that it’s good content that keeps listeners coming back. However, if your audio isn’t friendly to the listener’s ear, it could be a deal breaker. How can you make your episodes sound better? On this episode the host and TASCAM Director of Marketing Eric Larsen talk about EQ’ing – what it is, the features and benefits, plus when, where, why, and how to take advantage of it. They also discuss the topic in relation to what was covered on Episode 21 (compression). Three sound samples are included for examples of how you can (or can’t) affect your audio.
Is the content in your podcast dated? Is what you present time-sensitive, such that it's no longer relevant if a listener finds it "too late"? Listen to a conversation with someone who does a daily podcast and intentionally aims to deliver content in such a way that it doesn't have a limited shelf life. Hear how you might pivot to reposition your podcast so that a new listener that discovers it will find current and prior episodes helpful and thus be more likely to become a subscriber. This episode could change the way you prepare for future shows!
Our host did man-on-the-street interviews in Nashville, asking folks who have been interviewed on a podcast before what their experience was like. Are podcast interview opportunities welcomed in the same way that radio and TV are? Did they feel the host did a good job interviewing them? Were they pleased with the finished product (the podcast episode they were interviewed on)? What could have been done better? Hear the feedback from the five individuals who spoke to TASCAM – as well as our host noting his own takeaways – to get some nuggets that can help improve your show!
At the core of what podcasting is (or was) supposed to be for many podcasters is using it as a digital marketing tool. On this episode the host admits to first-hand straying and how podcasters can easily get sidetracked into chasing monetization channels that aren't that first one -- using your podcast to promote your business. Joining him on this episode is Mike Stewart, who has been on the leading edge of digital marketing for years and who talks about how he successfully used one of the podcasts he's involved with to establish an individual as a leader in the industry that his business serves. Stay tuned at the end for the host pulling out a key takeaway and then bringing it full circle.
As TASCAM Talkback hits the one-year mark, our show host merges his experience putting this show out every other week and releasing his other podcast every week with an on-location discussion with David Hooper from Big Podcast, who has experience releasing a podcast every day of the week, once a week, and doing a radio show too. The two address the challenges and the benefits of these various release schedules as well as how this all intertwines with audience building. And, be sure to stick around at the end to hear why your episode length ties into this in terms of building relationships, plus a closing thought about batch recording and putting episodes "in the bank" as it relates to time-sensitive versus evergreen content!
Our longest episode ever! Users of top streaming platforms discuss Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Periscope, and even one other website that has live broadcast capabilities and a monetization aspect that feels like Patreon. This episode helps podcasters consider additional avenues for getting notice for their show, for their brand, and it lets them know about hardware, software, and relevant considerations. Hear from three individuals who are using these services on a very regular basis.
Where do you record your podcast? At home? At a studio? At a library? What is the difference? What are the pros and cons of each? Our show host walks you through the need-to-know for each of those environments, based on his own first-hand personal experience. Regardless of whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or pro podcaster, this episode will help you make an informed decision on where is best for you to record, now as well as 6-12 months from now.
As a logical continuation from our previous episode -- and thanks to a listener request -- we delve into your podcast's show notes page; what it is and what it isn't, the reasons why you might or might not include or withhold certain information for it, the bare bones basics you should have, how it differs from your episode description, and relatable examples as well as some tips. This episode will help you give your listeners a reason to come to your podcast website, even if they are regular subscribers.
The Do's and Don'ts of a podcast episode title and description, including why and why not, plus results of a poll taken for this episode. Our show host also presents two exercises that a podcaster can do to help with their episode titles and episode descriptions.
Having good content is always key, but making your podcast sound even better can go a long way towards building and keeping an audience. This episode features a conversation between the show host and TASCAM’s Eric Larsen about compression – what it is, why you would use it, how it will affect your podcast’s sound, and even where it came from. Audio samples are included to give a demonstration of a clip where no, some, or too much compression is used.
Conversations were recorded in the Podcasting Pavilion at the NAB Show in Las Vegas last month, centered around what questions the broadcasters were asking relative to adopting our medium. Listen as seven individuals talk about the type of response broadcasters had/have to podcasting during their face-to-face conversations at the tradeshow in Las Vegas. This episode also helps current podcasters see the many facets of the business from a different perspective and even learn a new option or two.
Are you a streamer looking to amp up what you’re already doing? Perhaps you’re a podcaster wanting to start a video presence. You might even be a gamer who is immersed in the online world, yet curious about additional possibilities. Bryce Stejskal, Product Manager at Telestream, talked with our show host during the NAB Show in Las Vegas for this episode of TASCAM Talkback, covering options for all of those mentioned and helping navigate the Facebook Live, YouTube (Live), Vimeo, Periscope, Twitch, and related waters. There is also talk of TASCAM hardware suited for these applications. (Read the review Bryce refers to here )
What are some warning signs that your show might be coming to an end? What can you be on the lookout for so that you don't podfade? Listen in as our show host talks with podcaster Daniel Abendroth, whose show ended up ceasing after 19 months and 20 episodes, and then Niel Guilarte, whose podcast went on hiatus for five months but has recently come back on the air.
Our show host walks the listeners through Do's and Don'ts regarding their vocal health, to properly maintain the instrument that is their voice. Next he goes into preparations, and then, when it's time to perform (record). The second part of this episode features an interview with a guest from outside the country relative to an important date coming up in conjunction with the institution that he represents and the increased activity in audio podcasting there, versus the charges he has heard that they are better suited for video (only).
The importance of your podcast's cover art is underscored by an entire episode being devoted to the topic, as our host talks with a guest expert, Jason Hewitt, from Illustrata, who also has a podcast (in the branding category, appropriately enough). The two discuss strategies, specs, applications of your cover art, what to include and what NOT to include, and other valuable considerations.
A variety streamer to Twitch and a content creator to YouTube, Miss Click delves into those facets of the online world in telling our show host about the community that she has built, the types of videos she has found to draw higher engagement from her YouTube followers, and having been invited by Twitch under one of their programs thanks to the success they'd seen her having. She also talks about the posture to be in that companies look for to represent them as well as the importance of keeping your community informed via social media. Worth noting is her approximately ten thousand subscribers on YouTube, where she has gotten nearly one million combined video views.
Our show host has presented at two podcasting conferences on the topic of "ways to promote your podcast" and our listeners are the beneficiaries as he does an audio version for Episode 14 of "TASCAM Talkback." He explains why "build it and they will come" is the wrong attitude to have toward drawing attention to your podcast and says that social media is not the only means of promotion that a podcaster should be using. Instead, he lists a number of methods that can be employed to gain more notice for your podcast.
Conversations with representatives from two different podcast hosting companies, detailing what it is, why you need it, how you choose such a service and what they can do for you. You’ll hear how to get your show out there but also why you shouldn’t just host your podcast through your website. Plus, there is talk, of course, about podcast stats, but even who not to rely on them from.
Listen as our show host describes where he started and the point he has come to in his podcasting endeavors, specifically in the area of the learning curve - and the growing pains - toward doing edits himself rather than outsourcing. Also discussed are considerations for YOUR podcasting journey, plus questions for you to consider on this topic as well as those that you might want to send in to for inclusion on a future, related episode that gets teased on this 12th installment of TASCAM Talkback.
Three different attorneys -- one of them a podcaster -- weigh in on the growing importance of the legal aspects of podcasting, whether you're a hobbyist or doing this as a business and monetizing with sponsors (or somewhere in between). What is the difference between a copyright, a trademark, and a patent, and which of these do you need to know about for which aspect(s) of your podcasting efforts? What about expressing opinions on your podcast? How about sponsor relationships? Hear what Shawn Yesner, Chris Tanner, and Jamie Marcario say on these topics and more. Then go to this E-CFR page and this FTC PDF as alluded to by Marcario.
Are radio broadcasters moving to podcasting? Are any podcasters also doing radio? What IS the future of terrestrial radio? Bryan Seeley from Broadcast Supply Worldwide talks on Episode 10 of our podcast about trends and behaviors that he is seeing in this regard, from the perspective of a company that has served the radio industry for many, many years, and is now heavily engaged with the podcast market. Hear about related gear trends, how artificial intelligence might (or might not) have an impact in the near future, and more.
Whether you're a beginner and want to set a target, or an intermediate podcaster with good stats, or an advanced user with multiple shows already doing this, Episode 9 provides helpful insights into podcasting networks. Is it right for you? When and why should you set one up? Jonathan London from Geekscape (five podcasts on the network) and Glenn Hebert from Horse Radio Network (15 shows) provide insights from their experience.
As evidenced by an episode length that exceeds or usual running time, monetizing podcasts is an extremely popular topic. On Episode 8 of TASCAM Talkback two guests provide insights into methods that don't involve finding sponsors and having their ads be your only revenue source. Jennifer Briney of the Congressional Dish podcast talks about her listeners contributing via paper checks, PayPal, and Patreon, and then the latter source is explored deeply with Jonathon Oakes from Trivial Warfare who is bringing in a notable sum each month from the platform.
Where do you record? What -- that you don't want -- is being picked up on the recording? Has the room been treated, acoustically? On Episode 7 you hear the show recorded in a home studio before and after acoustic panels. Plus, a sound engineer weighs in on the subject, with tips and tricks given out for shortcuts in case you're not ready to go all in yet with the full-on approach. The host even runs down a list of common noises around you that need to be prevented from occurring before you press Record.
A follow-up to the recent announcement about such, Episode 6 discusses the TASCAM MiniSTUDIO Creator updates and what, thus, has been made possible. Our show host talks with TASCAM Director of Marketing Eric Larsen about how the unit upgrades came to be. Plus, podcaster Mike Ehmcke talks about the workaround that he no longer needs to employ with the co-hosts across his network. The features and benefits of the MiniSTUDIO, getting the software and firmware updates for it, recording from Skype or Google Hangouts, are all covered on this edition of TASCAM Talkback.
Our host uses Episode 5 to give first-hand examples of podcasting mistakes that he has made and lessons learned, relative to solutions for overcoming these incidents - or, at least, preparing in advance in order to avoid encountering these scenarios yourself. This episode will help you navigate through possibilities such as these in your podcasting endeavors and it also serves as an invitation to contribute to the community with examples of your own that others can learn from.
Gene Turnbow of Krypton Radio talks about how he gets interviews with people who otherwise would turn you away (and why) and getting around permissions along the way. Plus, he discusses how he went from gaming online alongside one hour of music on a loop to having the only streaming radio station on the Internet doing Sci-Fi geek culture radio all the time. He also refers to live DJs versus auto-DJs. All this without a traditional brick and mortar station or studio. Gene also describes the challenge of USB microphones in a multiple microphone environment and the challenge of music licensing and why the latter is a factor in the difference between streaming and podcasting. He even invites content submissions!
An interview with Jessica Rhodes about interviews! She is the Founder and CEO of Interview Connections and is a part of two podcasts herself. This episode addresses interviews from both sides of the mic, helping you whether you are doing the interviewing or the one answering the questions – or both. From guest bookings to "uh oh, the guest used profanity," there are lots of notes to be taken during this third installment of TASCAM Talkback.
Episode 2 provides a testimonial to the popularity of podcasting as presented through various research statistics that are given by the host as well as an interview with Chris Krimitsos, the executive producer of "The Messengers: A Podcast Documentary," which was just released last week after having reached number 1 on iTunes during pre-sales. For more on the film project, visit
What this podcast is, why TASCAM is doing it, what to expect, TASCAM products for podcasting and streaming, who the host is, who TASCAM is, the definition of a podcast, and more!